picture courtesy of http://writespell.com
Our second day at Brandcation started off bright and early with a trip to Adventures Unlimited in Milton, FL. We got to zipline and tube down the Coldwater Creek. I’ve been ziplining before, but this was different. When we got there, they asked for volunteers to go on the “adventurous” course so that they could keep the groups moving along. I volunteered since I fell in love with zipping on the last Brandcation trip to Kissimmee. The group that came with me was Awesome! The only person that said she was scared, was Amy from Grinning Cheek to Cheek and you wouldn’t have known it! She jumped right in and did great. I was so proud of her and everyone else in my group. Our guides were Dave and Brooke. Dave showed us some ripe Mulberries on our hike to our first zip. It was Brooke’s 18th birthday. Both of them were so nice and just a joy to be around! Our zip tour included a 900′ zip and a 700′ zip. I got to almost maximum speed on those two! I was FLYING! That also meant that as I was trying to stop myself, I burnt my hand through my glove. I still have a blister on my middle finger from it. I wouldn’t change it for the world, though. I love zipping and want to take my husband sometime soon.

Photo courtesy of http://theblondecritic.com
After ziplining we were served a quick lunch of sandwich, chips, oranges, cookies and pop or water. Then it was time to suit up and head down the river! I was one of the first people on the river. A few people decided we were going to get off our tubes on the other side of the bridge to wait for everyone. I hopped off and tripped over a stump in the river and moved out of the way. I should have stayed there, because Megan jumped off right after me, hit the same stump and lost her entire toenail! (Sorry Megan!) There was crossed signals and a few of us took off down the river. The majority of people hung out to take care of Megan. (Again, sorry, didn’t mean to ditch you!)

Picture courtesy of http://therebelchick.com
The beginning of the tubing trip I felt very much like a ping pong ball being bounced across the river and back. Eventually it did open up and became a smooth trip! Of course, by then, Maryann, Theresa and I decided we’d race for first place so there was no peaceful tubing trip for us! There was a point where there was an island in the middle of the river. If you went to the right, it was slow and easy and if you went to the left, there were rapids and it was fast moving. We went to the right and half of the group passed us. We weren’t having that, so that’s when we picked it up a notch and raced. I actually ended up beating Maryann by about 10 seconds. 🙂
Adventures Unlimited offers more than just ziplining and tubing. You can rent cabins, kayak, do rope courses for team building activities and so much more. Check them out on their website, Facebook, and Twitter.
That stump was awful! It’s okay, you didn’t ditch me. Someone had to stay and guard the other floats. I had a great time regardless and it was really fun meeting you.
Hahaha I guess even though the rapids weren’t all that bad… we still passed you guys. 🙂 Glad you won the race!!
The river was pretty crazy at first! I had such a great time, I wish I would have been able to tube a little closer to you it seems like we all really spread out! 🙂
sounds like a LOT of fun
What an adventure! They both sound like so much fun (except the toenail part!) Glad to hear you had a great time and I love the action shots!
You all are much braver than I would be.