Happy New Year! Can you believe it’s 2016 already? I certainly can’t! I can’t believe I’m the mom of 5 now, either! I’ll introduce you to baby boy later this week. This year I’m not making resolutions, but I am working on making some goals for myself. I know this is the number 1 goal/resolution for most people, but this year is the year I take control of my health.
Weight Loss
After the gestational diabetes I had with this pregnancy, I’ve decided that I can’t go through that again and most definitely don’t want it to become something I deal with on a permanent basis! Since I had baby boy, my diet has slipped through the cracks and I’ve eaten everything I could get my hands on, especially sugar! Well, starting tomorrow I’m going back to the high fat, low carb diet I was doing while pregnant. I told my husband that if he even wants to think about a baby #6 that I HAVE to lose the weight I’m carrying around. I’ve already lost 19 pounds of the baby weight. I have only 17 more to go until I’ll be in the 100s.
Now that I’m no longer pregnant, I want to work more with the kids on their schooling. I want them to start finding their passions and hobbies so we are going to start trying things out after finishing our school work every day. I also want them to start picking a topic to learn about each week so I can teach them how to research and also get them to start writing more about things that interest them.
I have a business goal for my essential oils business as well. I haven’t talked about it here yet, but I sell Young Living Essential Oils at Oils for Seven. Last month I was SO close to ranking up to Senior Star. This month I’d really like to hit that. My goal for the year is to become Silver! If you have any questions about oils, please let me know for sure!
I’m still working on my goals. I’ll be sharing them as they become more clear. I’d love to hear about your goals or resolutions for the new year. Fill out the giveaway widget below and you can win $25 Paypal cash to start off your new year right.
Giveaway is open to the USA, must be 18 or older to win, and ends on January 10 at 11:59:59 PM Central. Winner will be selected at random from all eligible entries and will be contacted by email. Winner will have 24 hrs to respond. Winner may only win one prize pack per year, if you win on another site, a new winner will be drawn. Please add paula@frostedfingers.com to your trusted email filter. If original winner does not claim their prize within 24 hrs, it is forfeit and a new winner will be selected promptly. No purchase necessary to enter or win. Odds of winning are not increased by a purchase.
Looking to drop a size or two and get organized, using time wisely.
I like to get fit.
To reduce my clutter in my living/dining room.
to clean up the house and organize everything
My resolution is to get my blood sugar under control.
My goal is to be healthier
My resolution is to finish my weight loss. I have lost 64 pounds with 14 to go. Thank you!
My 2016 goal is to get back to my regular workouts.
thank you
My new years resolution is to eat right and lose some weight go out walking with my dogs more often too.
My goal is to be more organized.
My new year’s resolution is to get more organized. I’m going to start with getting all my photos in photo albums
My goal is to get healthy this year
I’m hoping to exercise more
My only goal/resolution is to get out of debt
I plan to continue my whole-foods, plant-based diet, which has improved my health and my moods enormously.
Thanks for a great giveaway!
My resolution is to cook healthier meals for my family in 2016.
My goal is to eat healthier…and grow a bigger garden this year.
My goal is for 2016 to be as good if not better than 2015!!
I want to get my house organized in 2016. Hopefully well before the end of the year!
My resolution is to save more money in 2016.
I did not make resolutions. I hope everyone has luck with theirs.
I would like to take better care of my health.
None, I am always improving myself.
I need to find work.
I didn’t really make any this year. I’m hoping to go back to work after taking 16 years off. My oldest will start driving soon and will be able to do the whole school thing for herself and her sister. I’m excited but also very nervous. Thank you!
My resolution is to get some of this holiday weight off.
My new years resolution is to eat healthier and to live each day to its fullest!
Eat healthier
Just Be Nice
My new year resolution is to be more grateful.
I want to get my closets organized this year.
My goal is the get new windows in our house!
I definitely want to eat healthier.
Our resolution is really a continuation of whole foods, home-cooked eating and adding to our savings.
***I am also remodeling, but I’m not making any promises about that!
I hope to quit smoking this year.
To read the Bible in chronological order
My goal is lose 5 lbs
I am going to step up exercising.
read more . for myself. not research or kid related!
I resolve to get outside and go on more walks.
I don’t make New Year’s Resolutions. My motto is: If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it!
My new years resolution this year is to be more positive and motivated. I feel like last year I got a little lazy. 🙂
I would like to lose 10 lbs.
To clear out more clutter in my house.
To be more active and healthy
to get our finances in better shape
To win the lottery or maybe just get in better shape
to be a nicer and less selfish human.
My goal is to shop less, save more, and use up what I have. I need to use the products I have, wear the clothes already hanging in my closet, and use things up before I buy more. I tend to be an impulse puchaser and I end up regretting my shopping habits.
I wish I could win at least 50,000 in the lotto I just want to take a year off work
I really would like to improve in yoga. More challenging poses.
Fit and Clean in 2016!
My New Year’s goal is to let go of trying to control so much in life, and ask myself “Will this matter tomorrow? In ten minutes?”
One of my goals is to start volunteering at our church food bank.
I would love to drop twenty pounds!! but even ten would be great 🙂
My goal is to do more things to make myself happy and less stressed. I’ve already got a list I’m working on (:
I want to lose at least 10 pounds. I want to be more positive as well!
I want to compete in the warrior dash
My goal is to be here next year this time lol Shoo its been mister toads wild ride
I want to bike 100 miles in one day.
I want to run a marathon
I plan to drink more water and eat healthier.
To remain gluten free
I set a goal of walking at least 3 days a week.
keep making most of our meals from scratch
I’m trying to cook better for our family. Attempting to make less starchy foods and up our green veggie intake.
My resolution is to be more organized.
My NY resolution is to be more active.
Getting more organized!
I want to drink more water and less soda
My goal is to try to eat healthier
Thank you!
Mine is to get more organized and to keep it that way and to also live with less useless stuff!
My goal is to start exercising again.
My goal is to just start working out again! After having two babies and being in school full time/working part or full time all the time, it has been really hard to get back into it! Starting a new yoga class this week with a co-worker!
My resolution is to lose weight.
kport207 at gmail dot com
To worry less.
My goal is to use all my craft supplies this year. I collected far to many
Get my house under control!
My goal is to drink more tea 🙂
I would like to spend more time with my kids.
my new years resolution is be less stressed and spend more time with family
My goal is to eat healthier
Grow my business
My goal is to get healthy!
My goal is to lose weight that I have needed to for a long time- this is the year!
My resolution is to lose weight.
My goal for this year is to purposefully make time to pay it forward weekly. I want to make it an effort to show kindness throughout the year to others.
My goal is to try to get out of credit card debt
My goal this year is to finally do some DIY with some great furniture pieces I’ve picked up over the past few months.
My goal is cook more, stay positive and get all A’s in college this semester!
I resolve to read a book a month this year.
I’m not going to say anything negative about others. And cut back on the sugar!
lose weight!
One of my resolutions is to memorize more of my bible. I’ve been horrible at that this year, and I want to keep that encouragement on my mind throughout the day!
eat healthier
I am working on decluttering my whole house.
My resolution this year is to lose weight, thanks!
My New Years resolution is to be more organized, set myself a routine and stick with it. And to learn how to feed my picky toddler better meals he will eat!
My goal is to continue my exercising and keep increasing it.
I’m going to read at least 100 books and go for 100 walks.
I want to get rid of clutter and donate things I do not need.
I’m aiming to eat a more nutritious diet this year. Focusing on eating really helathy super foods such as goji berries and chia seeds
I aim to eat healthier foods
My goal is to live generally more healthy.
Swim three times a week (I have gone twice already this week)
My goal is to swim 3 times a week.
Thanks for the contest.
My goal this year is to be more positive and organized.
I want to run more (and faster).
To lose the baby weight after I give birth in March!
to lose baby weight after i have my baby this month
This year one of my goals is to keep up on my bills and set aside some money each paycheck to put into savings.
I’d like to organize our living room.
My goal is to eat more produce daily.
Mine is to declutter my apartment! We just have so much stuff in this small space, we need to downsize!
I resolve to eat less meat and less sugar.
I’m going to try to not get so mad so easily.
My goal is to try and spend more quality time with my kids.
My goal is to learn a new language in 2016.
I need to get the body ready for my backpacking trips.
To eat healthier
I am working my way up to 50 push ups each morning
I need to get better grades in my architecture course in college.
I want to be healthier and lose 20 lbs I am eating more fruits and veggies and walking more
My goal for 2016 is to read at least 100 books and to write more reviews.
haven’t made any, just trying to get through another week
Get back into sewing for charities and make something every other month to donate.
mine is to be more attentive to my children
My goal is to face fears head on this year!
my goal is to get in better shape this year 🙂 And, to organize my house !!!
my New Years resolution this year is to start walking more and lose 30 pounds this year !!
My goal is to learn to take better pictures.
My resolution this year is to take more time for me!
I have a toddler & a 4-month-old. They are my joy, but I have no time to get anything done so my house is a wreck & I have no time for quality time with my husband, let alone any time for ME. I resolve to be better at time management & prioritizing things as needed.
I want to start a new business.
My goal is to drink more water.
save money
You’re doing great on the weight loss! Getting rid of that extra can be really hard.
Great giveaway. If you’d like to link to this or any contest, you are welcome to use the linky in my right hand sidebar at http://fairemiscellany.com/?page_id=2
My goal is to eat healthier
My New Years goal is to go outside more.
I too had gestational diabetis when pregnant with my 2nd daughter. It changed how I eat. Today I have 30 pounds to lose and so far one week in, I”m feeling food about the choices I’ve made this week.
My goal is pretty cliche – lose the weight! I’m also cutting out caffeine.
My New Year’s Resolution is to stop smoking again! I want to get healthy.
My NYR is to work on getting healthy; my health has not been great for some time.
i am planning to lose weight and get in shape.
My resolution is to surround myself with more positive people.
My goal is to get my home organized!
My goal is to cook more and eat out less.
My New Year’s Resolutions are to lose 50 pounds, save and invest wisely, and go after my dream and make all our wishes come true.
No resolutions- each day is a blank slate to use to the best of my ability
My New Years resolution is to be the best mommy I can be to our daughter due in a week!
I want to get organized!
Organize my home is my goal.
Get healthier, get back to work, try not to overload myself.
My 2016 goal is to get pregnant.
I hope to win at dieting .
Drink water and less coffeem
My resolution is to start and stick to a budget!
My resolution is just to explore more
My resolution is eat more healthy.
My goal is to lose the extra weight once the baby is here in April.
My goal is to exercise regularly.
I want to see more hockey games this year.
I would like to procrastinate less and exercise and eat healthier.
My goal is to drink more water than diet coke
I need to catch up on my reading this year i.e three books stacked on my nightstand !
I want to try new food.
My goal is to stop drinking pop.
to help myself and family eat healthier and lose weight
To do my spring cleaning.
I want to save more money and eat healthier.
I only want to use my credit card when I have to. Thank you
Gotta lose the weight.
My resolution is to shed about 10 lbs by late spring.
My goal is to eat healthier!
I intend to spend more time getting healthy and doing things for myself at least once a week.
My goal for this year is to get through the surgery next week and after recuperating, to try become more active.
My resolution is to make more time for myself every day.
I didn’t make any resolutions this year, I’m too busy trying to figure out where I went wrong last year.
Has a winner been chosen? 🙂
No, probably tomorrow. My blog was down for almost a week so I couldn’t pull a winner. Sorry.