Note: This post was sponsored by CVS. All opinions are my own.
Many people take road trips for Christmas. We host Christmas at our house, so we don’t have to go anywhere, but we did have to take a road trip earlier this week. We drove 5 hours one way to attend a funeral. With four kids in the car, you need to be ready! Do you ever find yourself on the road wanting a snack? Gas stations are a quick in and out, but what do they really offer? Before getting on the road, why not stop at your local CVS and pick up some snacks for the road? Those sea salt caramels in the picture are pretty darn amazing! The nice thing about CVS is that you can find more than just snacks there. You have kids in the car? CVS always has things to do like travel games, books to read, crossword puzzles… Make sure you are ready!
That’s a short list of what are good things to bring on a road trip. For me, the biggest must have is music. It’s not a good road trip without good music. We were happy to have satellite radio on our trip this week so that your favorite station doesn’t go away when you get out of the area. I was very sick on the trip, so another good thing to have that I didn’t mention is a first aid kit that is stocked with pain/fever reducers for both kids and adults.
The nice thing about CVS is that it’s an easy store to get in and out of and you can stock up on everything you need for your road trip. Did I miss anything on my list that you’d bring?
I agree with music. When we drove from IL to SC when my boys were like 1 and 2 we went overnight expecting them to sleep and that totally didn’t happen and I was fairly unprepared. I ended up singing “backpack” and “i’m the map” a billion times each to keep them boys from screaming
OMG I think I’d want to die! 🙂
it was insane. I was tired and crabby and then when we got there we realized the littlest was sick and he was miserable the whole time
Your list is perfect! I always have Twizzlers, great music, a Coke and water.