Well, I did it! I finished the challenge. I don’t think I got rid of 40 bags of garbage altogether, but I got rid of a lot. I have so much more still to go. Last week I told you I wanted to hit 4 spots in my house: the boys’ room, girls’ room, book shelf, and basement toy room. I got to all but the toy room. I feel really good with the progress I made through Lent cleaning out my house and working on keeping everything else clean in the process. Almost every night before going to bed I made sure my kitchen was clean and that was so refreshing to wake up in the morning to a fresh slate and ready to make breakfast. The days I didn’t, I actually didn’t even want to get out of bed! Here’s my progress from my last week of the #40Bagsin40Days Challenge:
The last time I cleaned and organized rooms, I skipped the boys’ room. About once a month Buddy gets a wild hair and decides he’s going do dump everything in the middle of the floor and “clean”. One hour in it’s still a disaster and everything gets shoved everywhere again. I didn’t empty out the army guy bin, which really needs to be done and I didn’t get through the clothes hanging in the closet. I did bring up the dresser from the guest room for Little Man so they can each have their own drawers instead of always messing up each other’s clothes. I ended up with one bag of garbage and 1/2 a bag to donate from their room.
Luckily the boys have been doing a really good job of keeping it clean. Since the dressers have been split up I’m no longer finding clean clothes all over the floor. That’s worth it altogether! I was tired of washing clean clothes that got picked up and put in the laundry bin.
Since I had done the girls’ room about 4 months ago, it wasn’t horrible. There was clutter on the desk and dresser and a few things under the bed. Monkey has been really trying to keep her room clean. Sometimes she just doesn’t know where things go; like a humidifier I had sitting on her desk after the winter calmed down that needed to be put away. She can’t reach the bar in her closet to put away hangers so they get thrown in places.
Monkey has done a pretty good job of keeping it up since I cleaned it, too. She left for school this morning without making her bag and they were playing Lincoln Logs before school so I told her she had to get that all cleaned up after school before soccer practice.
I’ve been wanting to hit this area for a long time. There were so many books that the kids never even touch. Our Cub Scout pack is taking donations of gently used children’s books so we got together a box of them off these shelves. They’re so much easier to find things on now. Suddenly the kids are interested in reading OUR books again.
I loved this challenge and think I’m going to start up another one next week. Maybe you would like to join me? To see all the rest of my progress over this challenge, check out my other posts:
You have been working really hard, good for you! I need to get my booty in gear! I am working on my dresser right now!!!
Well you did a great job can you come over and do mines?
You’ve done a great job! We’re working on cleaning outside…….it’s quite a chore! 🙂
Awesome job! With 4 kids and one being an infant, I’m really impressed. Especially that you made an effort to have your kitchen cleaned each night. I only have on teenager and I can’t even do that 😉
I’m spring cleaning my house and decluttering right now. I don’t know how people accumulate so much. Over the last 2 weeks I’ve thrown/gave away 14 bags of stuff and that’s just out of 3 rooms… I still have 3 more to go plus 3 bathrooms. I only have one child, so I’m amazed with you! 🙂
Looking good! Now, you’re more than welcome to come over and do mine. ~lol~ 🙂
You did great! I’m working on it! I get so happy when I throw a bag away!
Wow, I am impressed! You did a great job of getting the whole house organized!
WOW you definitely kicked this challenge’s booty (like I knew you would!). I’m sure it feels so much better to have everything a bit more organized.
Good for you participating in this challenge. Your before and after photos are great. You really got rid of a bunch of stuff and reorganized well.