So I haven’t updated since I was 38 weeks pregnant. On January 24, 2014 we got up bright and early and headed to the hospital to welcome our baby girl. Luckily nothing ever came of all the headaches I was having or the protein in my urine for the two weeks heading up to the birth. We checked in and filled out all the necessary paperwork and I sat nervously trying to watch tv while we waited to go down for surgery. Because every one of my births resulted in a c-section, this was a planned c-section.
The time came and I was told to get up and follow the nurse down to the OR. That was different to me! I’ve always been wheeled into the OR! I got in there and immediately started freezing while they started putting in my spinal. I was so glad I was not in labor this time during my spinal. It took her 13 minutes to get in. 13 minutes really doesn’t seem that long until you have to sit hunched over your giant belly and NOT move! Spinals/epidurals are the scariest part of having a baby to me. As soon as she got it in and I laid down I started feeling nausea so they gave me something for that. Right after that drug kicked in I just wanted to sleep. My doctor was amazing and talked to my husband while doing things and they dropped the sheet for me so I could watch the baby being born. I couldn’t see a LOT since I wasn’t sitting up, but it was cool to see my baby born for the first time instead of a baby just magically popping out on the other side of the sheet.
Quinn Elizabeth was born January 24, 2014 at 8:29 am. She weighed 9 pounds even and was 20″ long. She passed her apgar tests with an 8 and a 9. Daddy took her to recovery while I got put back together again. I joked later on that I was put back together by a kindergartner because they used glue and tape to hold me together. 🙂 I did really well in recovery but once I got to my room the nausea came back and I was throwing up every time I would relax to fall asleep. Once we got that under control the rest of the hospital stay went by mostly fine. I had nurses pushing me to supplement the last night and it really upset me but that was the biggest problem I had.
BabyQ is now 2.5 weeks old and is doing great. She was born a bit jaundiced and we had to keep an eye on it the first week or so. You can see in the above picture that she’s lost the majority of the yellow now. She is such a “good” baby. She sleeps for about 4 hour stretches over night which really helps me make it through the day. She loves to just snuggle with me all the time. I’m eating it up as much as possible.
She isn’t gaining weight as fast as the doctor would like, but I’m really not so concerned right now. If she’s hungry I feed her and I wake her at times to eat as well. She got down to 7 lb 15 oz before we left the hospital and at her last appointment on Friday she was 8 lb 4 oz. She also seems to either have small tear ducts or clogged ducts. She gets icky, crustiness on her eyes that we have to clean off several times a day.
 You can see from this picture that she’s going to be my little peace maker. 🙂 Her brothers and sister love her very much and are always giving her hugs and kisses and checking on her. I love this little girl and can’t wait to watch her grow up. I hope you’ll stick around to know our family better.
She is so beautiful! ! Can’t wait to finally meet her in person
She is such a doll! I wish you lived closer so I could snuggle her!!
Congrats on your beautiful baby girl!
Awwww I can’t wait to meet her! When the weather is warm and I actually decide to leave the house.
She is absolutely precious! Congratulations!!
She is lovely Paula!
Congratulations! she is beautiful!
Congratulations! She is beautiful and I love her name!