Note: I participated in a campaign on behalf of Mom Central Consulting for Kohl’s. I received a promotional item as a thank you for participating.
Two weeks ago I told you we were going to hit Kohl’s for some back to school shopping. We finally got a chance to get it done last week in between my conference and this week trying to get ready for vacation. I can not believe school starts next week! Where did the summer go?! I knew it would fly by with camps, conference, baby shower and other things, but I didn’t expect it to be August already.
I love shopping at Kohl’s, but taking my kids can sometimes be a nightmare. I loaded the kids up last week and drove them over to Kohl’s. I think knowing they were shopping for themselves helped a lot, but not completely. All three were trying to pull me in different directions. Buddy wanted to hit the bathrooms (I swear he goes every where we go!), Monkey wanted to start looking at dresses and Little Man didn’t understand why we weren’t shopping for him and he wanted to look for bubbles.
We hit the boys’ section first where Buddy ended up getting two polo shirts for Sundays to wear to church and church school. Daddy had him clean last week in his church shirt with soft scrub WITH BLEACH. Yeah, I wasn’t too happy to hear about that! He also got two new pairs of track/athletic pants because all he ever wants to wear are “soft pants”. He’s an expensive kid to shop for, as those pants wer $26.99 each on sale! I would have taken a pic of his second polo that we got, however he wore it to church yesterday and got Taco Bell all over it after.
Little Man did talk me into getting him one polo for church since he’s starting church school this fall and I think he’s self-conscious about wearing the same polo every week. We went to put it on yesterday for church and didn’t realize it was long sleeve when we bought it. Not quite cool enough for that shirt yet.
Monkey got two dresses for back to school. She was funny in the store. Suddenly pink is “too bright” for her. The first dress she picked out was the denim dress shown right above. The second dress she HAD to have was the one in the first picture of the post. She loved that she could get a dress with a matching dress for her doll.
It’s getting harder to shop for them as they get older and get opinions. Our next time we go to the store, we need to pick out some gym shoes. We were on a really tight budget this shop and got only what we could. Before extra discounts given, our total for 3 polos, two pairs of pants and 2 dresses was $152.35. After a 15% discount, $10 Kohl’s cash and a $10 birthday discount card, we ended up spending $122.05. The bottom of the receipt shows we saved $113.51 after all discounts and sales. Not bad!
Have you started your back to school shopping? If not, you should check out Kohl’s as they do have some really good deals!
You got some great stuff!!
I love Kohls! And their coupons/discounts make me love them even more! James really only needs new shoes, so we will buy those next week.
Oh boy, Abby would LOVE the matching doll dress. Guess I’m heading to Kohl’s soon LOL. They all look great in their new clothes!
Thank you. She loves the matching doll dresses! Can you believe I found Buddy’s dirty polo right back in his drawer. Grrrr