Note: I am a Chula Vista Ambassador and will receive two nights, meal vouchers as well as some other amenities in exchange for sharing my honest opinion on our upcoming trip. Also, my family is receiving tickets at some of the below attractions in exchange for my review. All opinions are my own.
I can’t believe it’s August 1! The kids go back to school in 15 days, but before that happens, we have one last week and a half of fun left! We are approaching our annual trip to the Wisconsin Dells. At the beginning of the summer I bought some pool noodles, because at this time of the year all the swimming stuff is always gone so we can never find new toys to bring on our trip. Little Man asks me every time he sees those noodles in the garage, “Is it time to go on our trip with our noodles yet?” We have been looking forward to this trip for months! We will be spending our first two days playing in the water parks and golfing at the Chula Vista Resort. I shared with you about our trip last year where we couldn’t get outside to use the water park because of the weather. When I looked at the weather last night, it wasn’t looking too promising for this year, either, with a high of 76!
After our stay there, we will be moving on to a different condo on a different property. I can’t wait to do all the fun things with my family, though! For the first time, we’ll be seeing the Tommy Bartlett Show and Exploratory! I haven’t seen the show in probably 10 years and I’ve never been to the Exploratory. I’m really looking forward to those two things!
One place we always eat, at least once, is Paul Bunyan’s Cook Shanty. We love that the food is all you can eat, so you can fill yourself up at breakfast and not need to eat until dinner. They also charge for kids by their age, instead of a flat rate. A new thing to Paul Bunyan’s this year is the Lumberjack show and I want to take my family there, badly! I loved the Lumberjack show I saw in Tennessee and I think that the kids will really enjoy it.
Other places we will most likely visit are: Wisconsin Dairyland Fudge, The Original Ducks, Go Karts, Mini Golf, Timbavati and maybe this year we’ll also go back to the Deer Park. My kids really enjoyed being able to pet and feed the deer the last time we were there and that was when Little Man was a baby, so we should let him experience it as well!
Keep an eye out around here for my updates and shares of what to do when in Wisconsin Dells!
I hope the weather is warm enough for you to use the water! And I can’t wait to see all the pictures you take!