My son is 3.5 and still not potty trained. He’s mentally ready for preschool but since he refuses to pee on a toilet, he can’t go to school yet. I decided to home school him this year. One of the tools I’m using is the VTech MobiGo 2. Each morning I read a book to Little Man and then we do worksheets for a letter, number, tracing, coloring, cutting and pasting, etc. After we finish our paperwork he gets to spend 30 minutes playing on his MobiGo. I love that the games on MobiGo are educational. There’s a shooting gallery game which uses the keyboard and in order to shoot the target you have to press the correct letter on the keyboard. The easy level pretty much follows the keyboard along the QWERTY keys so that the kids learn where to find them. The VTech MobiGo2 comes loaded with Hamster Highway, Shooting Gallery, Art Master and Photos. It also comes with 3 free downloads that you can choose any of their games that are available for download. I like that they don’t limit you to a small number of games or books. Right now all downloadable games are $2.99 each. That’s a steal! The have downloadable e-books coming soon, as well.
Not only is this a great tool to help reinforce my home school efforts, it gives Little Man something to do on the go when his big brother and sister are playing their DS’s. The VTech MobiGo 2 retails for $59.99. Not bad for a game system and 5 games! Here’s a little about the MobiGo:
- The new MobiGo 2 Touch Learning System is a multi-functional, educational handheld system that allows kids ages 3-8 to enjoy on-the-go play and hone their creativity.
- Kids will learn basic skills such as math, vocabulary, spelling, reading, logic, drawing and more.
- The QWERTY keyboard also helps kids become familiar with a keyboard layout.
- MobiGo 2 comes equipped with a NEW motion sensor and microphone in addition to the touchscreen all for the same price of $59.99.
- The NEW motion sensor provides total game control, allowing kids to create action movements within games and programs while playing
- The NEW microphone provides different methods of game play. Blow into the microphone to move objects, blow of dust, or initiate other special effects. Or speak into it to give a command or trigger an action
- MobiGo 2 also functions as an e-reader, photo album, photo viewer, art studio and coloring book, and is a great value as it comes pre-loaded with three great games that take advantage of the product’s many features.
- The expanded onboard memory allows kids to store more fun. More than 80 other apps are available for download at the VTech Learning Lodge Navigator™ at While there, join Club VTech for added discounts.
All of the kids have enjoyed the MobiGo, but Little Man uses it the most. The few downsides I’ve noticed are:
- It is rechargeable, with rechargeable batteries if you supply them and buy the separate power cord. Otherwise you’re using batteries like water.
- You can only make one account on the system so if you have multiple kids you can only track the progress of one. The others can sign on as a guest.
- There’s no way to tether the stylus and with my children that’s a disaster waiting to happen.
Overall we are very pleased with the VTech MobiGo 2 and would recommend it to anyone. Check it out on the VTech MobiGo 2 site. I would suggest this as something for kids aged 3-7.
I participated in a campaign on behalf of Mom Central Consulting for VTech. I received product samples to facilitate my review.
This looks like a good little system, an with 5 games, that’s a good deal.