Since I got back into couponing this week, I wanted to feature my favorite Chicago Couponer: Christi from Bargain is the new Black. Here’s a little about Christi:
Couponing is my hobby. Some people collect stamps – I collect coupons. I’m a stay at home mom and spend my time chasing after two little boys. I find that motherhood makes me a little crazy so I like to distract myself playing with coupons and getting great deals. I love to share the deals with my friends and family and hope that this place will make that easier to do so!!
I’m glad that Christi collects coupons! She always has great deals on her site and talks about deals at local stores like Dominick’s, Meijer and Jewel. (For those of you that are local, keep an eye out for my Dominick’s giveaway coming soon!) Her savings so far this year are pretty awesome!
Savings – $835.91
Spent – $381.05(savings 68%)Rebates – $87
Bargain is the New Black Email Subscription
Thanks so much Paula for featuring my blog!!