I’m really not sure how this week is going to go. I’m not sure how to plan. Today is my first day on my diet. I’m only allowed 1260 calories on my non-workout days and 1400 calories on workout days. There’s also a bunch of other guidelines like only 1 serving of Dairy fats a day. (I can have fat free dairy as much as I want as long as it falls within my calorie intake for the day.) Only 2 starch servings a day; high fat meat such as steak, ground turkey, and roast beef can be had only 3 times per week; higher sugar fruits such as bananas, berries, grapes and pears 3 times per week. I can have unlimited fish, low fat meat, veggies and vegetarian foods as long as they fall within my calories. On top of getting used to my diet I’m also sitting again this week and Charlie’s (my husband) schedule is all screwy where he is not home for dinner. So this will be a fly by the seat of my pants week and hopefully still cleaning out my pantry!!
If you have any low fat/low calorie recipes, PLEASE share with me.
If you go to http://www.sparkrecipes.com you can search for recipes by the amount of calories you want. It was a great resource for me when I was counting calories.