I need to pick up where I left off on my Brandcation posts before I left for vacation. (I’m still on vacation, but I have a few minutes to try to catch up a little bit.) So Sunday morning on our weekend adventure we got up early to head out on a dolphin cruise courtesy of Circle PR. You would have thought the ladies from Circle PR were right there with us. They were just as excited about hearing about our cruise as we were excited to go on it! They were following our twitter stream and replying and retweeting our tweets.
I made sure to take some Dramamine first thing because motion sickness seems to go hand and hand with me now. I was so super excited to head out and see some dolphins. I think I’ve mentioned it here before, but I always wanted to be a marine biologist. I’d never had the chance to see dolphins in the wild so this was going to be an awesome experience for me. It was so beautiful watching the coast disappear behind me and to journey out into the gulf.
It was really fun to sit back and just watch everyone interact with each other after a weekend of making friendships. There were a lot of goodbyes right after this boat ride so it was hard to see everyone one last time.
Our guides were very knowledgeable. The staff and guides on the Portofino Dolphin Cruise were awesome! They made sure to take care of us. They got us out to where the dolphins were and were having just as much fun as we were watching them and pointing them out to us. I got as many pictures as I could handle before I started getting seasick.
It was so amazing to see the dolphins swimming and playing right along our boat. There was a baby or two in the group, so the dolphins were kind of shy. Did I say how amazing it was? Dolphins are so friendly and happy creatures.
The crew decided to get us all into a group picture at the back of the boat. I couldn’t believe that not only did they fit us all back there, but they were able to get the picture!
Note: This dolphin cruise was comped by Circle PR as a part of Gulfcoast Brandcation. All opinions are my own.
Dolphins! Great shots!