It’s fall and kids have been back to school for a few weeks now. Now you’re starting to see kids coming home feeling icky with runny noses and just plain nastiness. I want to share with you some of my favorite fall Young Living Essential Oils. I can’t tell you exactly what they do, because that would go against what I’m allowed to do, but I can tell you the systems they support and I will share my favorite fall recipe that makes my house smell like fresh baked apple pie.
My first fall favorite oil is Thieves. Thieves is excellent for supporting your immune system. Pictured is Thieves Vitality which can be ingested. I will add a drop of Thieves Vitality to my tea in the fall to support my immune system and give it a yummy flavor. You can get a whole line of Thieves products through Young Living for cleaning. You can use the oil on the bottoms of your feet or diffuse for an amazing fall scent.
Raven is a great oil to have on hand to support your respiratory system. I like to rub this on my chest or over my sinus areas. You can make your own rub and add Raven to it to put on the bottoms of your feet or your chest. You can also diffuse this overnight in your diffuser to continue supporting your respiratory system overnight.
Lemon essential oil is great for cleaning and helping your digestive system. When cleaning my microwave I like to put a drop in a glass bowl filled with water and a cup of vinegar into the microwave. Microwave for 5 minutes and let sit for a minute or two. Take a damp cloth and anything stuck to the side of the microwave wipes right off! I also like to add a drop of Lemon Vitality to my water to support my digestive system. Make sure if adding oils to water that you are using a glass or stainless steel cup. Oils will melt plastic.
Orange essential oil not only brightens your day, but it’s also another great one for your immune system. For a delicious fall scent you can add Thieves and Orange to your diffuser. I like to add 1 drop of Orange Vitality to my Fage 0% Greek Yogurt for a great flavor that supports my immune system. If you want to know what these oils can be used for besides what I’m telling you, Google is a great resource!
This apple pie diffuser recipe does not only make your house smell great, it is so great for you (unlike candles and plugins!) Clove is an immune support oil, Cinnamon Bark is also a great immune support oil, Ginger is great for respiratory system support, and Nutmeg is great for your circulatory and respiratory system. Look at all those things you’ll be supporting while making your house smell amazing.
There are so many more oils that are great for the fall. Look into the Raindrop Technique and oils kit if you need some more support in the fall. You can get many of these oils and a diffuser for $160 plus tax and shipping from Young Living. You can also qualify for free oils and products with your order. To get 11 oils and a diffuser plus a sample of Thieves Household Cleaner for $160 become a member.
Love that apple pie