Note: Content provided on behalf of our site partnerAt some point in their lives, everyone has a room like it: it’s called the ‘spare room’ but actually it’s just a repository for family junk: old tennis rackets, exercise equipment gathering dust, spare bed sheets, old clothes… the list goes on.
If you feel you’re not getting the most use out of that spare room, perhaps you could turn it into something else, like a dining room. There are such a range of dining tables and chairs on the market, you could find the perfect set and with just a few tweaks you’ll have a beautiful environment in which to entertain guests and have family dinners.
Here are a few suggestions so that you can ensure you have the best dining room in the neighborhood!
1) Get good storage
There’s a reason your current spare room might be full of junk, and that’s storage space. There’s no need to throw out every single item, but do make sure you have a clear out and get rid of anything you’re not using. After that, make sure that you have the most efficient storage solutions which you can find: whether it’s under the bed storage in the other bedrooms, or a large multi-purpose cupboard in the new dining room in which to secrete the stuff you can’t bear to part with.
2) Splash out
If you’re looking to go all-out on your new dining room, consider a few redecoration ideas. Perhaps you could install a small bar in the corner of the room, where you keep the spirits and fancy glasses? Alternatively, a breakfast bar against one wall could be a lovely addition. Or why not buy a new chandelier to hang from the ceiling?
3) Decorate
You may not need to totally redecorate, but some finishing touches here and there will help to turn your spare room into a dining room. Think about a plate display, or some dining room style cabinets; and check that your dining table and chairs will be the correct size for the room!
It can make such a difference to a home to have a separate dining area, and you’ll suddenly find that you want to invite all your friends over for dinner parties and board games. It’s a great gift to yourself and your family, and better still: no more junk room!
Image courtesy of digidreamgrafix /
I feel like I have the opposite problem! We have a dining room, and we almost always use the kitchen table as our family table. We’ve thought on and off about nixing the dining room altogether and putting the space to better use. But this is a really fun idea!
We recently took a spare room and turned it into a home office, is gets used everyday now and it not just a room of wasted space.
Never thought to do this but it is a great idea.