Note: I participated in a campaign on behalf of Mom Central Consulting for Seventh Generation. I received a promotional item and product samples as a thank you for participating
I’ve teamed up with Seventh Generation to help spread awareness about the importance of chemical reform in the United States. With four small children at home, I worry about their health and toxic chemicals that may be around them that could get into their bodies. Did you know that the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) was passed in 1976, and unlike other major environmental laws, has never been updated. As it currently stands, tens of thousands of potentially harmful chemicals continue to be used in the marketplace since the 1970’s without proper testing and without disclosure by the companies that produce them. That was 2 years before I was born. That means that it was passed 38 years ago- THIRTY EIGHT! That’s pretty crazy! So much has changed in the world since then.
It scares me that early exposure to toxic chemicals may lead to cancer and alzheimer’s. Scientists have linked exposure to toxic chemicals to many health risks, such as Cancer, Alzheimer’s, learning disabilities, asthma, birth defects, and various reproductive problems. I want my kids to live long, happy, and healthy lives without those worries! I haven’t tried a whole lot of Seventh Generation products yet, but I have used the diapers with Baby Q. I was surprised how well they worked because when I asked on Facebook about them I got some people telling me they were amazing and others not so much. They worked fine for us. It was hard for me to mentally get past the way that they were not white, but we had no issues with them at all. I do try to clean my house with mostly natural products so we don’t have those worries here.
- What Can You Do You To Spread Awareness And Get Involved?
- You can become a Toxin Freedom Fighter by signing Seventh Generation’s petition to urge Congress to reevaluate the Toxic Substances Control Act for the first time since 1976.
- Make sure that your friends and family are aware that of the 80,000 synthetic chemicals introduced into the market since the Toxic Substances Control Act was passed in 1976, the EPA has required testing on less than 10%.
- Help Seventh Generation reach its goal of collecting 100,000 Signatures by April 24th by signing the petition for chemical reform and urging your friends and family to do the same! Sign the petition by clicking on the picture below.
Do toxins scare you? Are you afraid they are going to make your family sick? Become a Toxin Freedom Fighter with me and sign the petition. Make sure you join in for the #FightToxins Twitter Party on Thursday, April 10th from 1:00 – 2:00 PM ET to chat about tips and tricks for living a healthy, green lifestyle as well as the importance of using products with as few chemicals as possible. What steps do you currently take to avoid dangerous chemicals or toxins?
Oh, that is a scary warning about cancer and Alzheimers, it’s very sobering!
I love using the Seventh Generation products. 🙂
This is an awesome thing to spread awareness about! We have loved and used Seventh Generation products for awhile now. Hopefully I can make it to the party!
Seventh Generation has some great products. We do use some of them.
I love this concept of a Toxin Freedom Fighter. It’s those individual decisions to can lead to big change.
We have been using Seventh Generation products for years now and love that they never sacrifice quality to remain natural and toxin free.
This is such an important cause. I’ve signed up.
It is mighty scarey how many chemicals our children are exposed to in regular daily life. It especially bothers me since their little bodies absorb them more tham adults do.
Yay for no toxins and congrats on fighting the good fight!
A while back I started switching to more natural cleaners. Look forward to seeing your experience with this line.
We use some Seventh Generation products in our home. Love that they are a safer alternative to other chemical cleaners.