Can not believe it’s been 3 months since I had my baby girl. It really doesn’t feel like it’s been that long already. I can’t say enough how blessed I am with her. She sleeps through the night almost every night of the week. She naps well through the day so I can get work done. She’s just awesome! I look forward to our mornings together. After she initially nurses she and I have some quiet time where I talk to her and play with her and smile with her. Then, of course, life just gets in the way. She’s not as cuddly with me as she used to be. She wants to nurse and then have her independence. She reminds me a lot of Buddy when he was a baby.
I think the biggest difference you can see in the pictures is that she’s holding her back and neck much straighter. It looks like her face is rounding out more and her hair is coming in a bit more. She’s such a cutie. She’s starting to do mini crunches which means she’s trying to sit herself up. That means it’s definitely time to get her started on her crib. She currently sleeps in her Graco Little Lounger all the time. It’s been a real life saver. I love that I can bring it into whatever room I’m in so she’s with me ALL the time! I don’t have any stats to share since she doesn’t go back to the doctor until next month, but she seems longer to me.
Her big sister still wants to be around her all the time. If Monkey is home, Q is not far from her! I was doing Q’s 3 month photo shoot and Monkey had to have a picture taken with her baby sister. Everyone just adores Q, and like I said earlier, she’s such a blessing to have in our lives.
I adore that middle picture. So CUTE!
Aw, such a cutie pie she is. And I love her shirt!
She is so adorable, and that face is too precious! Looks like she has a fabulous big sister to help her out too.
Aw, what a cutie pie!
What a big girl! 3 months is my favorite age since they get so fun 🙂
How cute is she! Happy 3 month birthday!
Oh my goodness, she is just precious! You have two beautiful daughters!
Adorable! Glad to hear she is a good sleeper. That is always such a blessing.
3 months already? She is adorable!