This week the kids and I had a night with nothing going on and Daddy was out of town for work. I asked the kids what they wanted to have for dinner and we decided on making do-it-yourself pizzas. We had to run to the store after school to get the stuff needed.
My helpers quickly became a pain by pulling the cart in 3 different directions, but we made it through and I needed an arm workout, right? We decided that we’d do strawberry shortcake for dessert since I already had strawberries at home. We picked up the cakes and whipped cream. When we got home I chopped up the strawberries and then Little Man helped me mix the sugar in to make the strawberry topping.
I then heated up the oven, lined the tray and cut the English muffins to make the pizzas. I called the kids in one at a time to make their pizzas because they’ve been really pushy with each other lately. (I think we’re all ready for spring around here and to get outside and play.)
My goal was to get Wreck it Ralph set up on the PS3 while dinner cooked, but unfortunately my PS3 no longer reads disks. While trying to figure it all out the pizzas got done and the kids got finished eating. I tried setting up a media server on my laptop and everything, it was quite a problem. We eventually ended up watching it downstairs on the little tv.
Halfway through Wreck-It Ralph
, I went upstairs to assemble the strawberry shortcakes. Dragging 4 bowls down the stairs by myself was no fun! Buddy and Monkey liked their dessert, but Little Man didn’t. It was way too sweet for me since I’ve been on Shaklee for a week now and haven’t had anything sweet since Sunday. I didn’t even have any of the strawberries. Overall it was a fun night with the kids and it was nice to just spend time with them.
What did you and your kids do for dinner this week? Share photos, stories or recipes that include your #kidsinthekitchen. I would love for you to join me and my co-hosts, Melinda at Look What Mom Found and Sara at Sensibly Sara, each week linking up a post, new or old, that feature the theme Kids in the Kitchen. It doesn’t matter what you are doing as long as you are doing it together and enjoying it and learning something.
- preparing healthy snacks
- having a tea party
- counting skills with m&ms
- pouring from measuring cups
- discovering a local restaurant that your kids love
- creating new family friendly recipes
Don’t have a blog, then share a photo you uploaded to Facebook, Instagram or Twitter. Share whatever you have, we want to see it.
Linky Rules
1. Link up only your kid friendly recipes, stories, pictures or cooking lessons here.(No Etsy stores or giveaways please). 2. Link directly to a specific post, update or tweet not your homepage. 3. Please add a Kids in the Kitchen button or link on your site or blog post or share through social media so readers know you are participating.
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4. Click through and comment, pin, like, tweet or share with other participants. We love to share inspiration and ideas with each other, don’t link and run. 5. Follow the hosts of this feature, Paula at Frosted Fingers, Sara at Sensibly Sara and Melinda at LookWhatMomFound…and Dad too I can’t wait to see all of the fun food themed ideas, excursions and photos you have to share.
We love making English Muffin pizzas. The kids love making smiley faces on theirs!
i think I know what I’m having for lunch today, even though tonight is pizza night 🙂
That sounds like SO MUCH FUN! I loved Wreck It Ralph!
I love to do personal pizzas that way! It’s quick and easy and everyone’s happy!
i used to make english muffn pizzas all the time. I wonder if they make gluten-free muffins…hmmm
I haven’t seen it but my kids loved the movie.