Today was the first day of school for my kiddos. I can’t believe that Monkey had full day school already. This is the first year our district is doing full day kindergarten. I met her teacher last night and she seems very enthusiastic and excited. She looked a little tired leaving the class today, though. 🙂 Monkey had a great day. She was happy to have one of her girlfriends from preschool in her class. I asked her what she did today. Apparently she was confused about how buying lunches goes, because she yelled at me that I did NOT give her a ham sandwich. I asked her if she got the ham sandwich for lunch from the lunchroom and she said yes, but the sandwich was shaped like a fish and it was too cold. Silly girl. She said she did lots of crafts, played outside, and she sat by her friend today without getting in trouble.
Buddy had his first day of second grade today. He said he had a good day and that about 6 people from last year’s class joined him in his new class. He already likes his teacher and told me I have to make sure Monkey gets her when she gets to second grade. We had a slight mishap when it came time to pick him up after school, though. I forgot to tell him to meet me at Monkey’s door after school. Well, she was released 15 minutes late so he was waiting for me and he thought I left him. He saw a friend of mine letting her daughter play on the playground so he started walking towards her to have her find me. I saw him going to the playground so I yelled for him. He came over crying to me that he thought I left him. I told him I was glad he went to an adult he knew. He now knows where to find me. Hopefully we won’t have this late issue anymore, though.
Little Man spent the day with me. We went to the bank, Costco, Meijer, then our normal McDonald’s lunch date. Once we got home, though, he felt alone and bored. I had a headache and was falling asleep on the couch. He asked what he could do and I said find something to play with. I couldn’t even function. He was sure happy to see his brother and sister after school, though! Now big brother and sister are fighting. Is it bedtime or school time yet? Geez!
PS I swear I had nothing to do with picking out her shirt. She wanted the purple shirt with rainbows. She can’t read so she had no idea what it said. I tried talking her out of it but she wouldn’t hear it. Also, if you have a back to school post up, join up with Trisha of Momdot on her Back to School Blog Hop!
Awwww, I love her shirt!
Your kids are adorable. Glad everyone had a great day at school. Love the shirt! LOL!