I’m on the train headed to WordCamp Chicago. I’m feeling super guilty about it, though. My husband has to move our house today and he got home this morning from work at the same time my alarm went off: 5:15 am. He got up around 9am yesterday so he’ll be going on 24 hours no sleep by the time he reaches the house to start moving. Hopefully the guys can get everything moved quickly and he can just get to the new house and relax. At least he has no kids to worry about today. Little Man’s Godmother is watching all three kids overnight. If you’re reading this, thank you SO much Candy! The amount of help since we bought our house is amazing. Kelly and Stavros got the plumbing and electrical done in the basement and got the washer and dryer moved down yesterday. I will take pictures and post about the obstacles we encountered with that project. STILL haven’t been able to complete a single room with painting. It’s super humid in our house right now and we had to scrape popcorn ceiling down. We didn’t take all the white paint that was left up there so every time we try to prime the paint beneath cracks and peels again. Stavros suggested priming with KILZ so I’m going to give that a try Monday night.
I still have another 45 minutes on the train but my Clear internet stick won’t connect to the internet. Ok, I take that back. I’m now connected. Throwing this post up and then checking email while I still have connection. Hope you all have a great weekend. I hope to learn TONS at WordCamp!
Sounds like you have gotten a ton done at the house – hope your Hubby gets everything moved and takes a real good nap! 🙂
Can’t wait to hear about word camp and all that you have learned! Have a fabulous weekend and try to relax and have fun!
.-= Mellisa´s last blog ..Six Word Saturday – I Love That They Love Strawberries =-.
Have fun! And us mamas do need support to keep things rolling. Glad you have a team to support you!
.-= erin´s last blog ..Episencial Sunny Sunscreen #win =-.