Paula Krueger considers herself a "baby "chef, not because she cooks for babies, but because she's still learning how to cook. She started this blog after taking Wilton method classes and at that point was more interested in baking. She's since become more interested in learning to cook as her family has grown. She also covers product reviews and travel as well.
Oh gosh, how cute are they all bundled up! Sledding is the one thing we haven’t done yet this year.
My 4-year-old was so upset that we hadn’t gone yet. He got in the car after school one day and says “I guess I just have to wait for next Christmas now.” He then started pouting, almost crying. I said “wait for what?” He said “To go sledding, the snow is all gone.” This was before last week’s snow storm. I told him winter wasn’t over yet and sledding had nothing to do with Christmas. 🙂 My silly guy.
Oh what fun!! Our snow was too crunchy and melted….but that’s Arizona for you. They are too cute all bundled up!!
I just love how big and round little ones look all bundled up!
.-= colleen´s last blog ..Progresso "Souper You Debut" =-.