The world can seem like a scary place to adults at times, so when you have a child to take care of, it can appear terrifying. This is what makes some parents want to keep their children with them and not let them try new and exciting things. This makes sense in a way; they will certainly stay safe. However, they also won’t grow and develop, and when they become adults, they might have problems with their self-esteem or even their ‘common sense’.
This is why children should be allowed to try new things and they should even be allowed to fail. After all, it is through failure that we learn how to do things better (and more safely in some cases).
With that in mind, read on to find out how to protect your child while still letting them explore the world in the way they need to in order to grow into well-rounded adults.
Image by Claire Tate from Pixabay
Have A Close Relationship
One of the reasons why children might get into trouble (sometimes serious trouble, sometimes less so) is because they don’t feel heard or connected with at home. They act out because they want to be noticed and paid attention to. This is a sad situation for everyone involved, and it can lead to a parent no longer being able to protect their child.
However, things will be very different if you ensure you have a close relationship with them. When you can do this and really bond, the child will be reluctant to do anything that would cause you pain; they wouldn’t want to disappoint you. Plus, they would have a better understanding of what was right and wrong because this is something you would be able to instill in them thanks to your bond. And bonding can be done in all kinds of ways, such as playing together, reading together, or perhaps cooking together. Eating together is another great idea.
Every time you respond to your child’s needs, they will know you will protect them and take care of them. They will know you are there for them. A close relationship should be one that allows everyone in it their own freedom, but ensure they all have somewhere to go when they need to. If you can all talk about anything together, your child will more likely choose to discuss their issues with you than make a mistake, keeping them even more protected.
Give Them The Right Equipment
From a relatively abstract idea above to an entirely practical one now. If you want to protect your children, you need to give them the right equipment to stay safe. This could be knowledge – teach them how to cross the road properly (even when you’re with them) and ensure they know why they must not talk to strangers. Teach them how and why to exercise and what foods are good and bad.
You can also give them the right equipment when it comes to being outside. For play or sports, for example, the right equipment, including safety gear and well-fitting sneakers for boys or girls or perhaps a bicycle helmet, could make all the difference between a child who is able to stay safe and one who will get hurt.
Talk To Other Parents
No one who becomes a parent suddenly knows everything. This is true the first time you have a child, and it will be true if you have others. Although you’ll learn a lot as you go along, there is no magic switch that means you automatically know precisely what to do in any given situation.
This can be unnerving to say the least, and it is this fear that you won’t know how to handle a situation that can mean some parents try to overprotect their children, which, as we mentioned above, is bad for their confidence and development. So what can be done? There are many parenting books to read and a lot of online videos and information, but the best thing you can do is find a parenting group where you are free to ask questions and also give your own helpful advice. Meeting up face-to-face or virtually and chatting about the different situations you have been through and what you did – or perhaps wish you did – can be extremely helpful. To begin with, you’ll find that many other people are in exactly the same confused and even overwhelmed position as you are. This will make you feel less anxious. Secondly, you’ll gather a lot of useful information that you can use in your own life to help protect your child and feel more confident as a parent. By passing along the things you’ve learned have worked, you can make other parents feel the same way.