Skylanders Swap Force came out last year and it was all my boys could talk about. Remember how I shared the Mega Bloks Skylanders Swap Force™ Boss Tank Showdown last year? My boys loved that set so I knew when I was asked to review the Mega Bloks Skylanders SWAP Force™ heroes I needed to jump at the chance for them. All opinions in this post are my own.
When Little Man saw me pulling those out of the shipping box he got extremely excited! This is not something he can build on his own yet, he’s only 5, so we sat down and did it together. It probably took me about 45 minutes to put together both of the Skylanders SWAP Force™ heroes. We got both Wash Buckler and Magna Charge. I love the bright greens on Magna Charge. The only issues I had while putting them together was that the belt wouldn’t stay put on Magna Charge, but the piece stays together without it.
Build your favorite pirate with eight legs and no pegs, then swap bodies to create ultimate combinations with Mega Bloks Skylanders SWAP Force™ Wash Buckler. Control the forces of evil by building a magnetic robot hero, then swapping bodies to create ultimate combinations with Mega Bloks Skylanders SWAP Force™ Magna Charge.
These super-sized buildable heroes with special micro axises let you pull them apart and swap with other Mega Bloks Skylanders SWAP Force™ heroes. Create the perfect combinations to defend Cloudbreak Islands and stop Kaos’ evil plans!
Ideal for ages 5 and up!
I like that the heads and bodies can turn and the arms are movable; even the fingers! These are fun sets to play with and both my boys loved them. You can find them in stores at Amazon, Target, Walmart, Kmart, and Toys R Us.
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Mega Bloks Skylanders SWAP Force Heroes
bryan loves them all but Swash Buckler gets a lot of love
Of the two above, Wash Buckler.
Of all Swap Force characters, probably Stink Bomb
Trigger Happy and a little guy he got from a cereal mail-in offer called Trigger Snappy.
Wash Buckler is my sons favorite.
My son’s favorite character is Spyro.
My kids don’t have a favorite. They love ALL of them.
my daughters favorite is washbukler
My son likes Terrafin
We don’t have the game, so no clue, swash buckler looks awesome though.
My boys love Slobber Tooth
Wash Buckler is our favorite!
My nephew loves MagnaCharge!
Of these two, my son loves Magna Charge. Rattle Snake is his favorite, though.
Chop chop is my sons favorite!