I never did update you about my cat, who I thought was pregnant. At the time that I wrote that post, I noticed that Ginger’s belly had been growing but I didn’t feel any movement. That was back in August. Since then, she ran away for a week and came back. She was most definitely pregnant. On September 24, early morning, Ginger went into labor. Throughout the day I sat with her while one after another kitten was born. Little Man got to see a lot of it, but the other two kids were in school and missed it all. At around 2 in the afternoon the 4th kitten was born and I could still feel one more inside of her. By 6pm that last baby hadn’t been born yet, so I took her to the vet. They did an x-ray to be sure that was a baby inside and when they confirmed it, they gave her a shot of something similar to pitocin. I brought her and the babies back home and made sure she was comfortable. I went to bed around 10pm. When I woke up at 4am to check her, the fifth baby was born!
They have been precious from the start.
Each kitten had his or her own personality. They are so cute! There were four boys and one girl. Unfortunately, it’s time for them all to go to their forever homes. My kids are sad, yet happy for them at the same time.
Mr. Tuffy already went to his new family earlier this week and he’s doing great! He cuddles in with his new doggie sister and she licks him and sleeps with him. If you want to get further updates, I bet that two of the new mommy owners will keep you up to date, because they’re also bloggers. You can follow the lives of Rocky and Lucky on Oh Boy, Oh Boy, Oh Boy! and you can follow the life of Claire on Just Another Mommy Blog. I’m confident that they will all be well taken care of!
You know us too well… 🙂 http://tracey-justanothermommyblog.blogspot.com/2012/11/today.html