I’m still having a hard time figuring out what to use for food storage, especially for bulk dried food. I currently use glass containers for my flour and sugar, but it’s too hard to get my hand and measuring scoop in there. It’s also too big and heavy to try to pour out the food. I got my pantry organized a while ago, but it’s slowly getting back to the way it was before my organization happened. I went to find canned food the other day and pulled out cans that were expired. How did that happen? I need to clean out the pantry again and make an emergency food list to have on hand to make sure I have the right foods in there in case of an emergency. Once I get the food straightened out I need to go through my food storage items and clean out the plastic storage containers I don’t use and get some that I actually like. Some of my favorites are actually leftover containers from Chinese restaurants. I find them easier to use because they seem to hold whatever leftovers we have just right and if I have more than what will fit in that container, we won’t go through that much in leftovers anyway. I also like those containers because they’re flat and not tall so they’re easy to stack on top of each other.
What is your favorite way to store bulk foods and leftovers? I know my friend Lynsey, in order to cut back on portion sizes, cut back on what she cooked so she probably doesn’t even HAVE leftovers anymore. I try to make extra so my husband has something to take to lunch with him the next day. I also don’t like having sandwiches every day for lunch so it’s nice to have leftovers to heat up, as long as it wasn’t a dinner #Fail!
To store my flour, I use the big plastic buckets. We go through flour quickly, so it’s a good system for my family. I don’t have the problem of the opening being too narrow either! The only problem I can see is that it’s a lot of flour to store in one spot, so if it gets contaminated than the whole bucket is lost. I haven’t had that problem yet, thankfully! Anyways, I’d give that a try 🙂