It’s Halloween and that means time for Spooky, fun movies for little ones. NCircle Entertainment has done it again. This Halloween they have released both Cat in the Hat Tricks and Treats and WordWorld Kooky Spooky Halloween. My kids love both of these shows and will watch them on PBS. My favorite PBS shows are WordWorld and Super Why. I love how WordWorld teaches kids how to spell in a fun way. Cat in the Hat is a great way to learn things about nature and science.
Tricks and Treats features The Cat (voice by Martin Short) and his friends Nick, Sally, Fish and the Things. Meet the eeriest critters you have ever seen, arrived just in time for this Halloween! There’ll be lots of tricks and, of course lots of treats, to share with the animal friends you will meet!There’s a coconut crab, spider monkeys and bats, and plenty more fun with The Cat in the Hat!
Kooky Spooky Halloween the WordFriends get their share of scares the night before Halloween, when Pig sleep walks and everyone thinks he’s a ghost. Then, Sheep is making herself a super special fairy costume to wear for the big Halloween Party. But what will she do when her WordFriends need pieces of her costume for their own use?
It’s definitely nice to build up our Halloween collection of movies for the kids with something I feel good with them watching. How would you like to build up your library a bit as well?
Buy It:
You can buy either movie at your local retailer for about $6.99 each. They are also available for sale at NCircle.
Win It:
Your Winner
Author: Gladys M
Liked Frosted Fingers on FB (Gladys Macias) mysteri_015 at yahoo dot com
One of my lucky readers will win a copy of Cat in the Hat: Tricks and Treats and WordWorld Kooky Spooky Halloween
Mandatory Entry
Tell me how your family celebrates Halloween
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- Tweet about this contest once every 24 hrs. Please include @frostedfingers and @NCircle. You can click the tweet button above.
Giveaway is open to US readers only. It will close at 11:59 Central on 10/25/11. No purchase is necessary to win. A big thank you to NCircle for giving me the DVDs to review and one to the winner. Winner will be selected by the And The Winner Is plugin. Winner will be posted here on Frosted Fingers and notified by email. Winner will have 48 hours to claim the prize. I was given the DVDs in exchange for review; all opinions are my own.
We have a party and go trick or treating
We go trick or treating in our neighborhood.
We usually go to my parents’ house for a Halloween/Birthday party (My dad’s birthday is on Halloween!). My mom makes dinner and after dinner, all the grandkids (19 of them) bob for apples.
Thank you!
we dress up and attend a fall festival of games and a fire.
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Halloween has always been my favorite holiday! I always made it a point to have parties for my children in the basement with jars of body parts & baskets of masks. Now that my children are grown & gone I dress up every Halloween & go trick or treating with my grandchildren. When they get older the parties will resume!
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Love participating @ the church’s Harvest Fest with my family!
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My son and I usually go to my sisters house and help hand out candy, which is what my son likes to do.
For Halloween, we dress up and go trick or treating 😀
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I have young kids so it is pretty traditional here, decorated house, candy to hand out, costumes and trick or treating with my kids. We just got our pumpkins for carving this weekend
We trick or Treat at my Aunt’s house after eating pizza. Thanks so much for the fantastic giveaway!
Renee Walters
I follow you on Twitter! Thanks so much for the fantastic giveaway!
Renee Walters
I like you on Facebook! I would love to win this! Thanks so much for the fantastic giveaway!
Renee Walters
We decorate and go trick or treating.
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We celebrate Halloween by dressing up and going trick-or-treating. However, this year we will also be attending a costume party for the kiddos with a hayride!
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We go to the annual Halloween carnival in our community.
with a halloween parade
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We just go trick or treating. Nothing else.
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We go trick or treating!
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WE give out candy and the kids dress up
thank you
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We LOVE Halloween! We decorate with ghosts, pumpkins, skeletons..have a fun party with the floating “ice hand” in the punch bowl scary music & go trick or treating!
Thanks for the chance to win! My Godson would love this!
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We take the kids trick or treating. They can’t wait!!
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Our family celebrates Halloween trick or treating ,and watching scary movies!
mysteri_015 at yahoo dot com
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my son goes trick or treating and then we give out candy and watch scary movies
like you on facebook kathy l pease
we just decorate a bit and give out candy
We dress up and go to the local festival and then trick or treat.It is also the start of the new year for us as it is Samhain. Thanks!
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The kids dress up and we go trick or treating!
We watch scary movies, carve pumpkins, go trick-or-treating, and hand out candy.
My family celebrates halloween by decorating our home, going trick or treating and carving pumpkins together.
daily tweet;!/CarrieDust/status/128785716258942976
We go trick or treating at the mall the week before and we go out trick or treating on halloween. It is my favorite holiday.
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We go out trick or treating.
Daily tweet!/JoeyfromSC/status/128888081481871360
We celebrate halloween by dressing up and attending a huge halloween party, carving pumpkins and trick or treating around the town green!
The kids get dressed up and we trick-or-treat in our neighborhood. Then I go through the kids’ candy and steal a few!
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Everyone loves decorating the yard with spooky Halloween decorations. We also play Halloween music around the house.
To celebrate Halloween we carve pumpkins, decorate and trick or treat!
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we carve pumpkins and decorate the house
Thank you for hosting this giveaway
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We bake cupcakes together!!/klp1965/status/128967566558367744
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We dress up for halloween and go trick or treating to a few of the neighbors homes and then we usually watch a children’s halloween movie, while snacking on a few of our treats.
we celebrate halloween by going to community festivals and trunk or treeting clallen at ntin dot net
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We celebrate Halloween with trick or treating
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We bake cookies!
We go to a party.
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daily tweet;!/CarrieDust/status/129123378987679744
Dressing up, handing out candy, baking, etc.