You may remember, last week I told you I was going to start taking some probiotics. Well, it’s been one week so I’m here to tell you how I’ve been feeling since I started taking them. My husband said he felt like he has had more energy to make it through the day and we were all pretty sick last week, but the symptoms never really set in with him. He doesn’t know if he can attribute it to the probiotics or just that he was taking his vitamins on a regular basis again. He also was embarrassed to say that it’s made things easier to use the washroom. I told him it’s supposed to and that’s actually what I was going to talk about myself. 🙂 I have been needing to go 2-3 times a day now when I used to go just once a day. I wish I could say I lost some weight with all this “going”, but it has been one insanely stressful week and I’ve gained weight instead. I swear I’m the only person alive to gain weight while sick instead of losing it! I don’t know that the probiotics helped me with anything, but going, because I was very sick. Sinus infection type sick, not the other way.
One thing for certain. I need to make a change in my life. I’m just getting bigger and bigger and I can’t do this anymore. I want to be healthy for my family. I plan to continue to take these probiotics, my other vitamins and it’s time to eat better as well. We’ve been doing better about eating at home instead of out, but my portion sizes are bad and I do tend to eat out on days I work. (Good thing I didn’t take the full-time job my boss offered me this week!)
Definitely give probiotics a try for yourself and see how they make you feel. I’d love to hear your stories if you currently take them or have in the past.
Don’t forget to check out more information about digestive health and Sam’s Club.
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This shop has been compensated as part of a social shopper insights study for Collective Bias. All opinions are my own.
I hope you do well with your journey to better health!