I recently went to a blogger brunch put on by Childs Play PR and Team Mom. One of the vendors there was Restaurant.com. They gave me 2- $25 gift cards to use on their site. One was for me and one was to give away. I’m being giving today and would like to give both to you! I’m going to have 2 winners in this contest.
Win It:
Your Winner
Author: Martina
Comment:I am thankful for my husband and my friends, who really were there for me this year (not only this year, but especially).
Your Winner
Author: Jessie Mayer
I am a fan of global resorts on FB and left a comment Frosted fingers sent me raggedybabygifts at gmail dot com
Two of my lucky readers will win a $25 Restaurant.com Gift Card
Mandatory Entry
Tell me what you are thankful for.
Extra Entries
- Watch the video in this post
- Like Global Resort Homes on Facebook (if you post on their wall that Paula from Frosted Fingers sent you, you’re entered to win a free week’s stay. See this post for details)
- Like Frosted Fingers on Facebook
- Follow Frosted Fingers on Twitter
- Tweet about this contest once every 24 hrs. Please include @frostedfingers. You can use this:
Tell @frostedfingers what you’re thankful for; win a $25 Restaurant.com Gift Card http://frostedfingers.com/2010/11/restaurant-com-giveaway/
- Become a Google Friend Connect Follower (on the right)
- Subscribe to Frosted Fingers via RSS (2 entries)
- Blog about this giveaway and link back to this post (2 entries)
- Put Frosted Fingers button on your page. (worth 2 entries) code on right
Giveaway is open to US readers only. It will close 12/9/10. A big thank you to Restaurant.com for supplying me with the gift cards. This post was not compensated. Winner will be selected by the And The Winner Is plugin. Winner will be posted here on Frosted Fingers and notified by email. Winner will have 48 hours to claim the prize.
I am thankful that my inlaws are taking my kids for the weekend and giving my husband and I a much needed time away just us.
watched the video. It was interesting. I’ve only ever made a turkey one time and I forgot to take the giblets bag out blech. I plan on buying one after Thanksgiving and I am going to follow his tips!
“liked” global resorts homes on facebook and told them that Paula from frsted fingers sent me.
“liked” frosted fingers on facebook (my name is Leah Kanaan)
I follow you on twitter….name is dgoddess
joined your site through google friend connect 🙂
subscribed to your rss feed through email 1
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I am thankful for my husband and daughter–they are my world.
i watched the video
I like global resort on FB
I like frosted fingers on FB
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tweeted: http://twitter.com/#!/NinaSay/status/9489414128406529
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I am thankful for the family and friends I have in my life. My family helped me through a very hard summer of three surgeries and they are still there for me.
I’m thankful that my husband and I both have our jobs. Michigan has been hit hard, especially our small community, and we are very fortunate to still be working.
I’m follow with GFC.
I follow on twitter (@debthompson)
I “like” on facebook (debthompson1)
Tweet http://twitter.com/debthompson/status/9622087127793664
I am thankful that my husband is a 10 year survivor of cancer. Nothing else comes even close to that.
I am thankful to be blessed with a wonderful extended family
I am thankful to have had some wonderful women in my life who have taught me my skills, my mother, grandmother and aunts gave me my sewing skills.
I am thankful to God who knows when my fabric for my charity quilts is low and brings me to the special people who just happen to have what I need for sale at a great price..
I am thankful that my husband once again is regaining his health..
I am thankful that my family and boyfriend have been there for me when I have been out of work
I am thankful for my home and my family.
family,health, and home
I am thankful for my health and my husband
Follow you on Twitter @snowluvnferret2
I’m thankful for the health of my family and friends, for my family and friends themselves, and for how much my friends are there for me when I need them!
I follow via GFC (sksweeps)
I am thankful for my amazing husband and for the fact that I finally finished my master’s degree this year! 😀
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my family
i’m thankful for my friends and my mom
watched the video
like global resort homes on fb (jen reda)
like you on fb (jen reda)
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your button is on my blog http://www.redfuzzycow.blogspot.com #2
I am thankful for my husband and our two sweet kitties!
I’m thankful for my family and friends and the support and love they give me.
I am thankful for God and the wonderful husband and children he has given me.
I’d love to go to a restaurant like a grownup
tweet http://twitter.com/redfuzzycow/status/10055301789126656
I’m thankful for my good health. It’s been a bad year, with many losses, for my extended family.
tweet http://twitter.com/redfuzzycow/status/10348335097454592
I’m most thankful for my health getting better. I had a serious illness last year and had to stay in bed for four months, and before this was hardly ever ill even with the flu. Now I know what it means when people say your health is important – hard to care and appreciate all the loving others around you (for which I’m also thankful) if you’re very ill!
tweet http://twitter.com/redfuzzycow/status/11274354541199360
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I’m so thankful for my beautiful little boy!
I like you on FB!
TaraTagli at gmail dot com
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TaraTagli at gmail dot com
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TaraTagli at gmail dot com
tweet http://twitter.com/redfuzzycow/status/12195953268236288
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I am thankful for a great friend who does cool giveaways.
connected via google friend connect
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Thankful for my health, mobility, and all my abilities!
wolverina401 at gmail dot com
GFC follower (Melissa O.)
wolverina401 at gmail dot com
Awesome blog and thanks for the giveaway!
Would love, love, LOVE to win this!
Happy holidays!
I’m thankful that my parents are letting me stay with them until I find another job. Its now been 2 years.
I am thankful for my faith, my husband, my family, and my life.
I am thankful for my wonderful friends and family.
I am thankful for my husband and my friends, who really were there for me this year (not only this year, but especially).
tweet http://twitter.com/redfuzzycow/status/12596040536424448
I am so very thankful for my family
raggedybabygifts at gmail dot com
I am a fan of frosted fingers on fb
raggedybabygifts at gmail dot com
I am following frosted fingers on twitter
raggedybabygifts at gmail dot com
I am a fan of global resorts on FB and left a comment Frosted fingers sent me
raggedybabygifts at gmail dot com
I am thankful for my son on the way!
I tweeted about the giveaway
raggedybabygifts at gmail dot com
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raggedybabygifts at gmail dot com
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raggedybabygifts at gmail dot com
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Followed via Twitter (@RobS1974)
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I’m very thankful for friends and family.
ky2here at msn dot com
TWitter follower ky2here1.
ky2here at msn dot com
Will tweet for reduced rate restaurant meals: http://twitter.com/#!/ky2here1/status/12673461923094528
ky2here at msn dot com
I am thankful for my family who always supports me.