What top 3 things should you have thrown away….like yesterday?
Great topic since I’m thinking about what I need to clean out before we move!
3. Old clothes! Those that are still in good condition I will be donating next month (if not sooner) to St. Vincent DePaul. Clothes that are trash are going to the trash! I have jeans with holes in the crotch that I still wear around the house. (Someone PLEASE call What not to wear! I could use a makeover!)
2. Makeup and toiletries! I have some OLD makeup. I’m talking beginning of high school (’92-’93) nail polish.
1. Old magazines. I have been holding on to magazines that I’ve already ripped out recipes and articles that were of importance to me. I keep thinking we’ll do some kind of craft with them and they’re just piling up!
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I love magazines– they are good for so many things! Right now, my favorite purpose is occupying my daughter at church. She loves looking at the pictures!
OMGosh I completely forgot about my old nailpolish! I have a bunch that’s from when I was a kid. I’m talking clear with muliticolored sparkles haha.
I never throw away magazines cause I always think there might be something I really need to read later- mostly though becuase I get so many mags and then I never really read them- I just like the pictures 🙂 And now I’m following you- stop by my place when you can!
Old papers – you only did to pick certain papers for so long. Car insurance forms and such
Thanks for reminding me I need to throw away that old makeup! And magazines, seem to think we are going to read them someday? Hmmmm 😉
The makeup is a problem for me, too. Sometimes I have makeup so old that I don’t remember when I bought it! I know we’re only supposed to keep it for like 6 months or so, too. Oops!
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