This is the playroom after the birthday party!
After I did my magic:
And Jameela, this is for you:
Maybe I should do a desk check in once a month to keep me accountable?
On a side note. Has anyone ever heard anything about seeing an orb in your pictures? I find it weird odd that there’s an orb in the clean playroom picture. The day after that picture was taken “Little Man” got up around 5:30am to nurse. He finished and sat up totally excited about something and I saw a flash of light across the room from me. There is nothing in the room and no current neighbors to have caused the light. (It was not white like lightening, either.) Ok.. creeping myself out now. I’m done. ๐
You know I saw something like that floating across the screen of Noah’s monitor the other day while he was sleeping! I told Ray about it last night and he just sort of laughed at me. You did a great job cleaning up… I bet it didn’t sty that way for long with kids in the house! =)
.-= Michaela´s last blog ..Wordless Wednesday โ Tired? =-.
It WAS cleaned up until yesterday when my husband let all 4 kids loose on the room. Sigh. I won’t bother cleaning it until tomorrow when I don’t have the extra kid.
light orbs are often caused by reflective dust floating in the air. The natural light from your window hits the dust and when the aperture is opened all the way the camera can capture the dust in an orb shape. That’s why the orbs aren’t always in the same place when you take multiple pictures of the same room, it’s just dust! As for the light you saw…no explanations there! I’m having a 3rd birthday party for my daughter and 11 of her friends and cousins on Saturday so there will be plenty of light orbs in my future.
You did awesome and that pic you did for me…hmmm i’m wondering if thats not the same pic as before? lol jk you have me TOTALLY convinced I wish I had those skills….do you have a class i can sign up for?
Haha, no it’s different. You can compare the picture on my laptop. No, no classes. I’m a work in progress. Thanks Jameela!
If we do have ghosts in our house, they have been very considerate.
.-= Charlie´s last blog ..ATI External Event Utility EXE Module stopped working =-.
This is why I don’t h ave parties at home~! Great job cleaning up. I am in the process of that now…ugh
Great clean-up. We’ve never had a party at home. Our house is too small. You are very gutsy to do that!
I remember the days when I would literally spend all day when my kids were at school cleaning up the play room and their bedrooms. My motto was if it didn’t have a name (stuffed animals and dolls) it went into a big garbage bag. I would hold onto the bag in a hidden location and if my kids asked about something I would go get it. After a few months I would throw the bag out. They never missed the things they really didn’t connect with like dolls without names. I have never had an orb or floater kind of thing in my photos, but your intuition is probably correct. You never know…