A few weeks ago I was asked to have some girlfriends over to try the new International Delight Iced Coffee. I set up a date after school drop off that my Mom friends could come over and have some iced coffee and snacks and we could just sit around and catch up. I served a Bisquick coffee cake (which I still need to post the recipe) and my strawberry-choco trifle. The night before I poured some of the Original Iced Coffee into ice cube trays to freeze as ice cubes so that when they would melt the coffee would not get watered down by ice. I actually enjoyed just eating the cubes and I think they’d be awesome blended up to make a frozen iced coffee. 🙂
International Delight Iced Coffee comes in three different flavors: Original, Vanilla, and Mocha. My Walmart didn’t have any vanilla so we only got to try out the other two. I didn’t have as many friends show up as I would have liked to the party because everyone was having an illness week. (Including us, but luckily it was a day of clarity around here.) I have had people stop by and do taste tests on their way to run errands or do drop offs. My husband even brought some in to work with him. Everyone that I know that has tried it, even coffee haters, have liked the International Delight Iced Coffees. A few of my friends and I added caramel creamer to the mocha flavor and really enjoyed it. I’m a HUGE caramel lover though. International Delight needs to come out with a caffeine free caramel iced coffee and I’d love them forever! I really do wish they’d come out with a caffeine free version of their iced coffees because I’d love to have these on a regular basis. I’m caffeine intolerant and normally get a migraine 2 days after having any caffeine. Surprisingly I did NOT after these but I’m scared to try again. Looking at my pictures in my post here are really making me want to go make a glass right now. I’m sure you’re asking why I decided to review these coffees if I’m caffeine intolerant. I’ve heard so many good things about them that I wanted to try them myself (darn the consequences) and I wanted to share them with my friends. I’m glad I did! I think I sold a few people on buying them for their houses.
My coffee cost $3.98 and there’s supposed to be 8 servings in each container. That makes it .50 per serving. Can you get iced coffee at your local coffee house for that much?! I bet your single coffee where you currently get it costs about $4 just for one. Take advantage of this awesome deal and enjoy iced coffee in your own home without the high cost. I suggest you check out International Delight Iced Coffee for yourself. I found mine at Walmart but I hear they’re starting to pop up in other places as well. If you’d like to see my shopping trip where I bought my coffee, click here. Which flavor will you try? Connect with International Delight below.
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Note: This shop has been compensated as part of a social shopper insights study for Collective Bias. #CBias All opinions are my own.
What a GREAT idea with the ice cubes! Brilliant!
I don’t drink coffee, but I’ve seen in it in the stores, and I’m hearing wonderful things about it!
Shop Rite had an “in-store” special on the Mocha today so I bought it. My daughter and I tried it and loved it. I’m heading back out tomorrow to get some more!
That coffee cake looks amazing and only .50 a cup! That is awesome.
how yummy is that? love it!!!