This is not your typical Taste Test Tuesday. Today I’m going to talk about the benefits and uses of Coconut Oil and give you a recipe to make at home deodorant!
I was given a quart size jar of Tropical Traditions Virgin Coconut Oil to review. I have to tell you I have made 3 batches of brownies with the coconut oil instead of vegetable oil and they were the best, most moist brownies I’ve ever had! All I did was substitute the same amount of coconut oil for the vegetable oil that the box called for and melted it. Yummo! If you’d like to try some coconut oil recipes there are a bunch at this site: Free Coconut Recipes. Â I love that Tropical Traditions still uses local help to make their Gold Label Virgin Coconut Oil by hand! If you’re interested in hearing more about it, they have a video about how they discovered Virgin Coconut Oil on Youtube.
I have made homemade deodorant using coconut oil and it worked great! I wanted to share the recipe with you.
Homemade Deodorant
1/4 C corn starch
1/4 C baking soda
2-3 tablespoons of coconut oil.
Mix 2-3 T of coconut oil with other ingredients until it looks like regular deodorant. You can also add a few drops of essential oils to scent it. I like to use mandarin orange. You the can scoop it all into an old twist up deodorant tube and use as normal. The only time it didn’t work for me was while I was pregnant or breastfeeding because my body’s hormones are way too strong.
I’m giving away a free quart of Tropical Traditions Virgin Coconut Oil to one lucky winner on my blog! Here’s what you need to do: (please leave a separate comment below for each entry into the contest.)
- Mandatory Entry: Tell me what you use coconut oil for or if you’ve never used it, check out the free recipes and tell me what you’d like to try. You also need to subscribe to Tropical Traditions Newsletter
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- Tweet about this giveaway: “Win a Virgin Coconut Oil from Tropical Traditions!Â @frostedfingers @troptraditions”
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- Grab my button and put it on your blog: (worth 2 entries) (please make sure there is a link to your blog in your comment.)
Disclaimer: Tropical Traditions provided me with a free sample of this product to review, and I was under no obligation to review it if I so chose. Â Nor was I under any obligation to write a positive review or sponsor a product giveaway in return for the free product.
I love coconut oil but have never used it for much. After checking out the recipes I would totally make the tuna steaks 🙂 YUM!
i use it for everything! as diaper cream, lip balm, cooking, s-e-x, all kinds of stuff.
i’m with melissa g. coconut lime tuna sounds awesome. we usually just marinate tuna in soy sauce/spices. it’s good but coconut lime sounds REALLY good.
Well I have been told over an over again by my great friends that i need some but I still don’t have any. I would love to try those brownies out too.
I NEED SOME! I keep hearing how amazing it is, and how universal it is.
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I use coconut oil on popcorn, as lotion, as hair gel/oil, and in smoothies. I need to get more creative and use it in more recipes.
I don’t use it, but my friend Heather has been telling me how amazing it is!
The Coconut Lime Tuna Steaks are making my mouth water…YUM!
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Never used it but I think that I would love to make some brownies with it 🙂
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I have your blog button on my blog. Funny that I was coming to get it to add to my sidebar under blogs I love when I saw this giveaway 🙂
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Definately the chocolate macaroons!
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I use coconut oil for my hair.
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Posted about this giveaway on my twitter page.
I use coconut oil in recipes as a substitute for butter pretty frequently since my daughter is allergic to dairy. I haven’t tried tropical traditions coconut oil yet, though.
I havent used it but I want to try some but didnt order it last month from Frontier, I totally forgot!! But I want to try it on my curly hair and for food.
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I’ve never tried it before! The gluten free chocolate brownies look so good!
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Thank you for allowing us this giveaway.
I use Coconut for cooking eggs, hot cereals, I place it in my baby’s homemade milk formula, take it for chlosterol levels, proper thyroid function, moisturizer on skin and hair. I would like to try the gluten free chocolate brownies recipe.
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I use it for chocolate E-7 bars. E-7 is a powered supplement stuff that you can add to a drink. It is super good for you but I don’t like to drink it so we put it together with coconut oil and other things to make great power, all natural bars
.-= Rachael @ Empowering Mommy´s last blog ..CVS Deals – 4/11 – 4/17, 2010 =-.
Oooo..I think I would use coconut oil to replace our current vegetable oil in our sauteeing!
I would love to try the Coconut Granola II! jennifertheis at gmail dot com
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Coconut Cream and Oil are lifesavers for me. I am on the anti-candida diet right now and must restrict all sugars. Coconut is recommended for my diet and is the creamiest, sweetest, most delicious food I can consume!
I have never used it, but would love to try and would try the ‘Coconut Chocolate No-bake Macaroons.’
I follow it on facebook and I subscribed to the newsletter! I would love to try it! I have thyroid problems. Thank you
I use the coconut oil for stir-fry. I am signed up for the newsletter.
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I use coconut oil with honey and cocoa to make my own chocolate.
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I use the expeller pressed CO for cooking almost everything – it has a pretty high smoke point and is great for frying eggs. I’d LOVE to try the virgin. Expeller pressed is very bland (but still has most of the good stuff for you).
I would love to try this Virgin Coconut Oil =)
Ooh. Coconut oil! I’d totally try that homemade deodorant, because I’ve been having, ahem, issues with real antiperspirants. Like, blocked, swollen sweat glands. And plain deodorant is hard to find! The only one I found is like, apricot scented, and let’s just say it’s not a pleasant under-arm smell.
.-= Kate´s last blog ..Menu Plan Monday 4/12 – 4/18 =-.
It amazing for your hair! Just warm some oil as a pre conditioning treatment for your hair before you shampoo. It protects the hair’s protein from damage. It’s also great for the skin and lips. Rub a little in and it soaks in and feels wonderful and not greasy at all.
I have never used coconut oil before but I’d like to tryt he Coconut Chocolate No-bake Macaroons.
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I would try the no bake maccaroons. They sound good.
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I use it in my hair. I have for years. I never even thought to use it for cooking!
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I would use the coconut oil in fudge & homemade peanut butter cups. 🙂 Also I am subsrcibed to the TT newsletter.
I love peanut butter cookies so I might like to try the No Flour Coconut Peanut Butter Cookies
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I use it for baking bread, cooking veggies, you name it! And subscribe to TT.
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I would first try using it to make popcorn! My hubby is a huge popcorn fan, and the higher flash point of coconut oil should make it nice & fluffy ! I am anxious to try some of it in baking too. I get the Tropical Traditions newsletter.
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I use coconut oil on my skin and in cooking. I also subscribe to the Tropical Traditions Newsletter.
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I would use it to cook the Apple Chicken Stir-fry. I am already subscribed to the trop. traditions newsletter.
We used expeller pressed for frying, it is great for that.
I’ve never use coconut oil but the coconut cream cheese squares recipe sounds delish!
I love coconut. The lemon coconut candy looks yummy!
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i would use the oil to make coconut oil waffles for my family. I am already a subscriber to the Tropical Traditions newsletter.